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Name des Werkzeugs:
Name of Tool:
.Net Image Authenticator Webcontrol
Company Name:
Silk Webware

Imaging and Printing

Visual Studio .NET Add-In:
Kurzbeschreibung (Deutsch):
Description (English): Use Image Authenticator to control access to your image files using authentication or your own custom authentication. Images within a ASP.NET application are not access protected. Image Authenticator integrates with WINDOWS, FORMS, PASSPORT or your own authentication solution to control access to image files. Images can be stored locally, within the local network (using UNC) or within an intranet or internet web site (using HTTP). Using Image Authenticator is as simple as dragging the WebControl (Server Control) onto a webform (aspx page) and setting its ImageFileLocation property. Image Authenticator also has the option of caching images to improve performance. Images are sent from the server control in a number of common formats including JPEG, PNG and BMP. Image Authenticator renders HTML for all common web browsers including Netscape, Opera and Internet Explorer
Beschreibung (Deutsch): Use Image Authenticator to control access to your image files using authentication or your own custom authentication. Images within a ASP.NET application are not access protected. Image Authenticator integrates with WINDOWS, FORMS, PASSPORT or your own authentication solution to control access to image files. Images can be stored locally, within the local network (using UNC) or within an intranet or internet web site (using HTTP). Using Image Authenticator is as simple as dragging the WebControl (Server Control) onto a webform (aspx page) and setting its ImageFileLocation property. Image Authenticator also has the option of caching images to improve performance. Images are sent from the server control in a number of common formats including JPEG, PNG and BMP. Image Authenticator renders HTML for all common web browsers including Netscape, Opera and Internet Explorer
Aktuelle Version:
Current Version:

Preis: (Euro oder US-Dollar)
Price (Euros or US-Dollar):

URL für weitere Informationen:
URL for information:
Remarks (English):


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